Sep 13, 2014
Hello and
thank you once again for joining me down at the crossroads for some
music, magick, and Paganism. Where witches gather for the sabbath,
offerings are made, pacts are signed for musical fame and we cross
paths with today's most influential Pagans, occultists, and deep
thinkers. Tonight, we meet with witch, High Priestess, blogger, and
author Lady
Sable Aradia to discuss her new book The Witch's Eight Paths to Power: A complete course
in magick and witchcraft. We have a great, friendly, and open
discussion as we go into her experiences with writing the book as
well as delving into some of the more controversial aspects of her
book, like ritual drug use, such as the incorporation of
intoxicants and entheogens, and the heavy topic of sex in
initiation within certain forms of traditional based Wicca.
"In his Book of Shadows, Gerald Gardner writes about the witch's Eightfold Way as a means of developing one's magickal abilities. In this contemporary take on the Eightfold Way, author, Witch, and High Priestess Lady Sable Aradia invites readers to explore the eight different components of evolution in witchcraft.
'Using exercises, meditations, and practical magick, any serious student of witchcraft will be able to master these eight paths and improve the effectiveness of their magickal work. From spells to sex rites to trance to flying ointments, Lady Sable has created a step-by-step guide to mastering the advanced arts of witchery." - The Witch's Eight Paths of Power (back cover).
The songs featured in this episode were:
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